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How to use Znow Forge.
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Program elements

Program windows
   Items managing
   Items editing
   Schemas managing
   Schemas editing

  Main purpose of Znow Forge and Znow is to color your computer work.

Znow Forge consists of Znow and editor for Items and Shemas

Items are small thing which is floating on your sceen, when your press Play button. Snowflakes, raindrops, faces and so on.
Items are Items only and no more. One Item is just ordered set of pixels, which are can be placed together on some point of screen.

Schemas describe, which Items will be used to draw and how to move them over screen.
Each Schema consists of set of pairs: "Item" + "Behavior".
"Item" is what Znow draws and "Behavior" is how Znow draws items.

For example, Scheme "Aquarium" consists of two pairs:
1. First item - Fishes. 50 Fishes move from right side of screen to left side. It's first behavior.
2. Second item - Bubles. 250 Bubles move up to top of screen. It's second behavior.

Of course, this is very simple description, but it shows dependence between schema, items and bihaviors.
When you look at main window you see two buttons top of window. First open Wimdow for Schemas managing. Second open Wimdow for Items managing.

Item managing window consists list of items you can work with.
It has small item previer and buttons to Create, Copy, Edit and Delete items.
You can't Edit or Delete own Znow Forge items, but you can copy and modify them.

Item editing window allows you edit your own items. It is very simple "graphic" editor, with small previewer. Pixels of item can only in two states: drawn or not. You can change this state by mouse click on pixel representation boxes. You can change size of item, but Znow always correct size automatically by side pixels, when you close Item Edition window. In othre work, Znow uses only used pixel, no hollows.

Item managing window looks like Item managing window, but without previewer and with items list. When you select Scheme from main list, bottom list show which (and how many) Items this Scheme consists of. As in Item managing window, here you can Create, Copy, Edit and Delete Schemas. You can't Edit and Delete Znow Forge own schemas, but you can Copy and then modify them.

Schemas editing window is one window with two tabs.
Here you can tune behaviors of Items, the Scheme consists of.
At top of the Winodw you will see Items list, the Scheme consists of. You can Delete and Add items in this list from drop-down list box, placed over Items list.
When you select a item in list, in Tabs you will see settings of this Item within the Scheme:
1. Common settings. These setting applied to all entities of Item, when Scheme is playing.
2. Individual settings. These setting applied to each entity of Item individually.

Items Forge window allow you to diversify view of all items in Znow Forge.
Each Item consists of pixels. Item Forge allow do next:
1. Change distance between pixels.
2. Select item which will be drawn instead of each pixel.

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